Sehr geehrte Kunden,
Sie erhalten unsere Produkte im Onlineshop und in unserem Laden in Hamburg-Winterhude
Ihre Online-Bestellung lassen wir innerhalb von 5 Werktagen über DHL liefern.
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Damaskunst, 2016 in Hamburg gegründet, möchte Sie entführen in die Suqs des Nahen Ostens, damit Sie einen Eindruck bekommen von Einfallsreichtum und handwerklichem Geschick der orientalischen Kunsthandwerker.
Damaskunst, founded in Hamburg in 2016, would like to take you to the souks of the Middle East so that you can get an impression of the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the oriental artisans.
Many of the craftsmen whose work we offer are known to us personally. We select your products on site, some are made especially for us according to old patterns in a traditional way.
Of course, we pay attention to high quality materials and workmanship when selecting, so that you can enjoy your purchase for a long time. If you live in or around Hamburg, you can see it for yourself in our shop in Hamburg-Winterhude. where satisfied customers keep dropping by with the desire for beautiful things to decorate their home or in search of special gifts.
For our online customers, we pay particular attention to careful and secure packaging so that valuable purchases arrive undamaged. Here, too, repeated orders from customers show that they are very satisfied with our products.
With our offer we would like to build a bridge between Orient and Occident. Follow us over this bridge, enjoy a part of the oriental culture that already fascinated Goethe and bring a piece of it to your home!
Lore Häger, Emad Alchehade
Heba Falouh, Emad Alchehade